Mobile Testing

We're strong pesticides for bugs!

Testing is necessary to gain confidence in the system, to establish degree of quality, to ensure whether requirements are met or not. We ensure it by having ownership of the task, understand the product concept in depth before start of any product, proactive thinking and always strive for a quality product.

We provide following testing services to ensure quality release:

Functional testing

Regression testing, smoke
and sanity testing, integration testing

Tools used: JIRA, Redmine, Bugzilla, Basecamp, Trello

Performance testing

Load, volume
and stress Testing

Tools used: Jmeter, Neoload, WAPT

Automation testing

Functional, regression
and Device Anywhere Testing

Tools used: Selenium, appium

We provide various deliverable like, Product analysis, competitor analysis, Lean documentation, Analytics (performed by certified quality experts).